PIERZ — The Crow Wing County Dairy Princess Banquet is 7 p.m. April 5 at the Pierz Ballroom.
Tickets are available for $18 adults and $12 children under 12 until March 21 or $20 at the door and may be purchased from any of the following candidates or by calling 218-831-3376.
Senior Dairy Princess candidate is Kaylee Woitalla.

Kaylee Woitalla, 18, is the daughter of Russell and Amber Woitalla. She is currently employed on S&M Dairy and Justin and Tracie Froelich’s farm. She is a senior at Healy High in Pierz and takes classes at Central Lakes College. Woitalla’s future plans include becoming a surgical technician. Since she works on a dairy farm and will graduate from high school this year, Woitalla is qualified to compete to be a finalist in the Princess Kay of the Milky Way event in May. Her sponsors are Advanced Dairy, LLC, Norway Ridge Farms, and Long Prairie Packing Co., LLC.
Junior Dairy Princess candidates are Clare Caughey, Adeline Pickar, Catherine Wehseler and Maria Wehseler.
Clare Caughey, 13, is the daughter of Dan and Emily Caughey. She works on her family’s dairy, Cornerstone Dairy, and enjoys showing cattle. Caughey is in eighth grade at St. Francis of the Lakes School, a 4-H member and a member of the Junior Holstein Association. Her favorite subject is math and she enjoys basketball and hunting. Caughey and her sisters have trained a team of Holstein oxen, Kip and Kayden. Her sponsors are Farmers and Merchants State Bank, Sunrise Ag, and Compeer Financial.

Adeline Pickar, 15, is the daughter of Adam and Kim Pickar. She is a sophomore at Brainerd High School and is involved in FFA and 4-H. She is currently employed at Cornerstone Dairy as a relief milker. Pickar lives on a hobby farm and shows goats at the county fair and makes grand champion blueberry pies. Pickar’s sponsors are Rustic Acres Greenhouse and Pierz Coop.
Catherine Wehseler, 15, is the daughter of Leo and Maggie Wehseler. She is a sophomore at Pierz Healy High and is in FFA and 4-H. Catherine Wehseler shows dairy cattle at the county and state fair. Her hobbies are snowmobiling and snowboarding. Catherine Wehseler enjoys going on farm calls with her mom. Her sponsors are Litke Veterinary Services and Midwest Machinery.
Maria Wehseler, 13, is the daughter of Leo and Maggie Wehseler. She is an eighth grade student at Pierz Healy High and is in FFA and 4-H. Maria Wehseler has been in the dairy knowledge bowl for six years and enjoys meeting people at dairy shows. Her hobbies are showing cattle and playing volleyball. Her sponsors are Al Olson Express, LLC, and Pioneer Lake Mutual Insurance.
The Crow Wing County Dairy Ambassador candidates are Evah Berg, Kayla Fleischhacker, Olivia Nelson, McKenna Thesing, Emmy Yaunick, and Ella Yaunick.
Evah Berg, 15, is the daughter of Brady and Rachel Berg. She is a sophomore at Brainerd High School and a member of the Brainerd FFA. Evah enjoys promoting dairy during Ag Time at the elementary schools and hopes to pursue a career in equine science. Her sponsors are LeMieux Wealth Strategies and Mid-MN Federal Credit Union.

Kayla Fleischhacker, 15, is the daughter of Jason and Jill Fleischhacker. She is a freshman at Brainerd Senior High and a 4-H and FFA member. Fleischhacker has played hockey for 10 years and plans to show a dairy heifer at the fair this year. She enjoys hunting and fishing. Her sponsors are Hanneken Insurance and Modern Farm Equipment.
Olivia Nelson, 14, is the daughter of Magnus and Krissy Nelson. She is an eighth grade student at St. Francis of the Lakes Catholic School, plays the trombone, basketball and is in 4-H. Nelson works on a vegetable farm and has shown sheep at the county and state fair. Her sponsors are Northland Drilling and Nelson-Shine Produce.

McKenna Thesing, 19, is the daughter of Matthew and Coralyn Thesing. She is a freshman at Central Lakes College and plans to become a dental hygienist. Thesing enjoys skiing, hunting, fishing and teaching little kids how to ride horse. Her sponsors are Wings Airport Café, Centra Sota Cooperative and BN Credit Union.
Emmy Yaunick, 15, is the daughter of Brandon and Jessica Yaunick. She is a freshman at Brainerd High School and is in FFA and 4-H. Emmy Yaunick loves talking to people about agriculture and has many awards with her goats. She enjoys hunting, fishing and cooking. Her sponsors are Jerome Marshik and Segler Tire.

Ella Yaunick, 17, is the daughter of Brent and Heather Yaunick. She is a senior at Brainerd High School, is on the trap and skeet team and a member of the FFA. Ella Yaunick enjoys hunting, reading, and cooking. She plans to attend the Minnesota State Community and Technical College in Wadena to become an electrician. Her sponsors are Schubert Auction Service and Crow Wing County Farm Bureau.
Dairy princess candidates must live and work on a dairy farm or dairy heifer facility or lease animals from a dairy farm. Dairy ambassadors do not have to live on a dairy farm but, like the princesses, must have a passion for promoting the dairy industry.